Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Ministers' incomes-2009


By Gevorg Hayrapetyan, FOICA Lawyer

In August 2010 Freedom of Information Center of Armenia received from the RA State Revenue Committee all the statements on the data included in the property and income declarations of all the RA ministers for 2009.

We weren’t given information on Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Artur Grigoryan, because the latter has been holding this position since June 28, Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Artur Petrosyan, Minister of Transport and Communications Manuk Vardanyan and Minister of Emergency Situations Armen Eritsyan were holding other positions during 2009. Thus, they submitted property and income declarations on the incomes earned at the time of other positions.
During the year of 2009 Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Artur Petrosyan was the Head of the RA State Labour Inspectorat, Minister of Transport and Communications Manuk Vardanyan was the Adviser to the RA President and Minister of Emergency Situations Armen Eritsyan was the First Deputy Head of the RA Police.
The analysis of the provided information shows, that only 5 of the 17 ministers, who submitted property and income declarations, alienated or acquired any stationary or movable property in 2009. So, Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Artur Petrosyan alienated «Mercedes C 180» make of car in 2008 and Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan alienated «PORSHE» make of car, acquiring nothing instead. Minister of Nature Protection Aram Harutyunyan acquired 3 buildings and constructions alienating nothing instead. Minister of Justice Gevorg Danielyan and Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashyotyan, without alienating anything, acquired new property – a building and construction for each. During 2009 none of the ministers had foreign currency or property incomes.
As in 2008, in 2009 too, Minister of Healthcare Harutyun Kushakyan had the highest income. His income amounted to AMD 341.615.000, which is 398 times more the lowest income (AMD 857.421) which was with Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Artur Petrosyan, and 2.5 times as much as the income of Minister of Nature Protection Aram Harutyunyan who is the second in the list by incomes (AMD 131.061.616). Minister of Health Harutyun Kushkyan is followed by Minister of Nature Protection Aram Harutyunyan and Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan, owning respectively AMD 131.061.616 and AMD 39.036.547 income. We should note, that in 2009 Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan kept his place in the list by incomes. In 2008 too, he was the third in the list by incomes owning AMD 18.823.430 income.
As it was noted before, in 2009 Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Artur Petrosyan had the lowest income - AMD 857.421. He is followed by RA Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Territorial Administration Armen Gevorgyan and Miniser of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan owning respectively AMD 3.152.813 and AMD 3.190.800 of income. The income of the rest of the ministers fluctuates from 3.5 to 28.8 million AMD. We should note, that in 2009 all together the RA Ministers had AMD 604.347.122 income.
The ministers, who became richer or poorer in 2009, compared with the year of 2008. Out of 18 ministers who held their post in 2008, in 2009, only 14 were still holding the post and provided property and income declarations. Let’s compare the changes of the incomes of these 14 ministers in the period of 2008-2009:
  • Harutyun Kushakyan, Minister of Healthcare, who had the highest income (AMD 381.607.396) in 2008, in 2009 too had the first highest income (AMD 341.615.000) in the list of ministers. In 2009 his income has decreased by AMD 39.992.396.
  • The income of Aram Harutyunyan, Minister of Nature Protection, in 2009 has increased by AMD 128.155.438, becaming over 45 times more than in 2008, from AMD 2.906.178 becoming AMD 131.061.616.
  • The income of Seyran Ohanyan, Minister of Defense, in 2009  has increased by AMD 16.831.303, becaming over 2 times more than in 2008, from AMD 12.005.249 becoming AMD 28.836.552.
  • The income of Armen Ashyotyan, Minister of Education and Science, in 2009  has increased by AMD 20.213.117, becaming over 2 times more than in 2008, from AMD 18.823.430 becoming AMD 39.036.547.
  • Hasmik Poghosyan, Miniser of Culture, who had the lowest income (AMD 2.903.800) in 2008, in 2009 made it to AMD 3.190.800, improving it by AMD 287.000.
  • Edward Nalbandyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, who had 2.840.049 AMD and 13.173 EUR of income in 2008, in 2009 made it to AMD 5.722.869.
  • The income of Armen Movsisyan, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, in 2009 has increased by AMD 161.351, from AMD 3.430.669 becoming AMD 3.592.020.
  • The income of Tigran Davtyan, Minister of Finance, in 2009 has decreased by AMD 624.000, from AMD 8.912.000 becoming AMD 8.288.000.
  • The income of Vardav Vardanyan, Minister of Urban Development, in 2009 has increased by AMD 474.540, from AMD 3.662.180 becoming AMD 4.136.720.
  • The income of Hranush Hakobyan, Minister of Diaspora, in 2009 has increased by AMD 592.662, from AMD 5.477.009 becoming AMD 6.069.671.
  • The income of Nerses Yeritsyan, Minister of Economy, in 2009 has increased by AMD 1.305.098, from AMD 3.523.840 becoming AMD 4.828.938.
  • The income of Armen Gevorgyan, RA Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Territorial Administration, in 2009 has decreased by AMD 466.780, from AMD 3.619.593 becoming AMD 3.152.813.
  • The income of Gevorg Danielyan, Minister of Justice, in 2009 has decreased by AMD 702.141, from AMD 11.495.023 becoming AMD 10.792.882.
  • Gerasim Alaverdyan, Minister of Agliculture, who had 9.722.600 AMD and 10.000 USD of income in 2008, in 2009 made it to AMD 4.409.332.
See the Income and asset declarations of the RA Ministers(2009). 

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