Informed Armenia project
This project seeks to ensure that journalists and civil society organisations produce and share easy-to-understand information, news articles and contributes to a real debate about budget allocations and spending in Armenia. Duration: 18/05/2018 - 18/12/2019 (19 months), Implementing Partners: Freedom of Information Center of Armenia (FOICA), Maastricht-based European Journalism Center.
03.12.2019 - Access to Information CSO Network
In November 2019 within the EU funded project the FOICA established Access to Information CSO Network and joined by project sub-grantees by signing a Declaration on 29 November 2019, will ensure further collaboration among project beneficiaries and involve other CSOs, using FOI tools to protect the public interest, fight corruption and freedom of expression and promote effective enforcement of access to information in various areas of public administration.
28.11.2019 - Electronic resources created within the framework of the “Informed Armenia” project
Electronic resources created within the framework of the “Informed Armenia” project

25.10.2019 - Terms of Reference: Final Evaluation of the EU-co-funded project in Armenia
Terms of Reference: Final Evaluation of the EU-co-funded project in Armenia “Access to Information and Investigative Journalism for Better Informed Citizens”
20.08.2019 - Sub-Grant Project # 23
"Association of Young Journalists" NGO Name of the sub-grant project: Media Bridge: effective communication for the transparent governance
18.08.2019 - Sub-Grant Project # 22
NGO for Sustainable Development Initiatives “Astghatsolk”: Creation of the data visualisation bureau for CSOs I see