News & events

21.11.2023 The Implementation Phase of the ATI Self-Assesment system
On November 21, 2023, a pivotal course discussion unfolded, focusing on the integration of Freedom of Information self-assessment mechanisms.

15.11.2023 Empowering Media Professionals from Artsakh
The Freedom of Information Center is launching a project to strengthen and support the professional capacities of media representatives from Artsakh.

13.11.2023 A two-day training course on BO Data Monitoring was held
On November 11th and 12th, a training course took place, attended by approximately 15 representatives from the media and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The focus of the two-day training was on the monitoring of beneficial owners' data.

10.10.2023 Toolkit On Monitoring Beneficial Owners
The Freedom of Information Center has developed a Toolkit for journalists and Researchers on Monitoring Beneficial Owners

27.09.2023 Violation of access to information right of the FOICA and the media outlet Infocom
The journalist of the news site contacted the FOICA and asked for assistance in obtaining information from the ruling party Civil Contract before local elections 2023. The problem was that the Civil Contract party had left unanswered the journalist’s information requests regarding the donations received by the party for the Yerevan city elections, in particular, regarding compliance with legal requirements for political parties’ donation processes.

01.09.2023 ATI self-assessment mechanisms: training for ATI officials took place
On August 29, a training session focused on implementing Access to Information self-assessment mechanisms took place. The event was attended by approximately 22 representatives from various ministries' public relations departments and Access to Information (ATI) officials.