Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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News & events

04.06.2015 Freedom Defender award went to Shushan Doydoyan, President of Freedom of Information Centre.

The international organisations honoured individuals working to promote human rights, accountable governance, local government reform, and free speech in Armenia at the Universal Rights Awards Ceremony held on 4 June 2015 in Yerevan.

30.04.2015 Civil servants, responsible for FOI , were trained

On 29-30 April, 2015 FOICA together with RA Civil Service Council organized training sessions of civil servants responsible for FOI. The civil servants from RA ministries and adjunct bodies of the government who represented the offices of information and public departments, participated in the training sessions.

17.02.2015 Some Officials confuse Requests with Applications. Shusan Doydoyan

The RA Law on Freedom of Information operates since 2003. "It was a major achievement especially for the journalists so that they are able to obtain information, which formerly for some reasons some officials tried to keep as secret," Shushan Doydoyan, President of the Freedom of Information Center said.

16.02.2015 NGOs will be forced to achieve Results through Public Pressure: Member of FOICA

According to the new anti-corruption strategy of the RA an anti-corruption council should be established and it is foreseen to include only 2 NGO representatives in its structure.

23.01.2015 Black list 2014

These officials have violated the people’s access to information right in 2014

09.11.2014 Shushan Doydoyan: Building a Family and a Future

Founder and President of the Freedom of Information Center, Shushan Doydoyan is getting ready to have her fourth child. For this week’s episode of Hidden People, she spoke with Maria Titizian about the difficult decision to stay and raise a family in Armenia. Doydoyan says that despite the challenges, she believes that the work she does is important for the future of the country.

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