Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Strategic litigation

Court cases

22.12.2005 - 4. FOICA vs. Ararat Regional Government

FOICA vs. Ararat Regional Government On September 9, 2005 FOIC Ararat regional lawyer Ms. Anahit Avagyan applied to the governor of Ararat region, Mr. A. Sargsyan asking to provide the copies of the governor’s decisions made within the period of 1st and 2nd quarters of 2005. In the respond dating October 3, 2005 the governor refused to provide the requested information mentioning that the request contains a demand of report and monitoring and that the information would...

16.11.2005 - 3. FOICA vs. Gyumri Municipality

FOICA vs. Gyumri Municipality On September 14, 2005 FOIC applied to the mayor of Gyumri city Mr. V. Ghukasyan asking to provide the following information: 1. Copies of all the decisions made by Gyumri elders council during the second quarter of 2005 2. Copy of 2005 budget and its report for the second quarter. The mayor’s reply to the information request was ridiculous. Here is what is said in the official response:  “The 2005 decisions made by the...

11.11.2005 - 2. FOICA vs. Abovyan Municipality

FOICA vs. Abovyan Municipality   On September 14, 2005 FOICA applied to the mayor of Abovyan city Mr. K. Israyelyan asking to provide the following information: 1. Copies of all the decisions made by the elders council during the second quarter of 2005 2. Copy of 2005 budget and its implementation report for the second quarter. Not receiving any answer, on November 11th, 2005 FOICA regional lawyer Mr. Robert Ghazaryan petitioned to the court to appeal...

18.08.2005 - 1. FOICA vs. “Berlin” Polyclinic of Gyumri

FOICA vs. “Berlin” Polyclinic of Gyumri On July 25, 2005 resident of Gyumri city Martiros Karapetyan submitted an information inquiry to the executive director of Gyumri “Berlin” polyclinic Gagik Altunyan and the RA Ministry of Health. Martiros Karapetyan inquired the following information: A reference from the RA Ministry of Health on the existence of a masseur’s staff provided by the Ministry of Health to...

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