Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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White and Black Lists

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Lists by years

White List - 2012

Starting from 2011 the Freedom of Information Center publishes the annual White List. All those information holders, which after being included in the FOICA’s quarterly Black list reviewed their activities in the FOI field and carried out reforms in order to ensure access to information, have not been included in the annual Black list of the officials who have violated the people’s access to information right. These information holders and their heads are now involved in the FOICA’s annual White list.

Mr. Levon Khalikyan - Head of the State Inspectorate for Surveillance of Markets of the RA Ministry of Economy

The head of the State Inspectorate for Surveillance of Markets of the RA ministry of Economy Levon Khalikyan appeared in the FOICA's Black list of 4-rd quarter, 2012. FOICA applied to the Head of the State Inspectorate for Surveillance of Markets Levon Khalikyan with the request, asking to inform where and with what procedure the State Inspectorate for Surveillance of Markets publishes information subject to mandatory publication in accordance with part 3 of Article 7 of the law of the RA “On Freedom of Information”. In response to the request, the State Inspectorate has sent a letter which reads that the necessary information has been posted on the website of the Ministry of Economy at: However, there was no information at the website.

Thus, the FOICA applied on 20.11.2012 to the RA Minister of Economy, asking to ensure, within a reasonably short period but no more than during seven days, that the information related to the State Inspectorate for Surveillance of Markets and prescribed by part 3 of Article 7 of the Law be posted on the website of the RA Ministry of Economy. As of December 3, 2012, the summary reports of 2011 and 2012, the documents necessary during checkups, guidance for filling out checklists, address, phone numbers of the Inspectorate as well as legislative package within which the State Inspectorate for Surveillance of Markets works are now posted on the section of the aforementioned agency on the official website of the RA Ministry of Economy.

Mrs. Anahit Vardanyan – Director of the School N4 after Levon Shant

Director of the School N4 after Levon Shant Mrs. Anahit Vardanyan appeared in the FOICA's Black list of 3-rd quarter, 2012. On August 17, 2012, the FOICA sent an information request to the Director of the School N4 after Levon Shant asking to provide information about the documents required for admission to the school. The request was left unanswered. Thus, on September 12, 2012, the FOICA sent the second information request, which also was left unanswered. After appearing in the Black list Mrs. Vardanyan provided the whole requested information also promising to work transparently and oppenly in the future. Taking into consideration the efforts of Mrs. Vardanyan to eliminate the violation of the freedom of information she was not included in the FOICA's annual Black list and appeared in the White list 2012.


Black list - 2012

These officials have violated the people’s access to information right in 2012

Mr. Volodya Khloyan - Mayor of Vardenis

On February 21, 2012, the Freedom of Information Center sent an information request to the Mayor of Vardenis asking to provide information about the money allocated and provided by Vardenis city budget for snow cleaning works. The Mayor of Vardenis left the FOICA’s request unanswered. Thus, on March 15, 2012, the FOICA sent the second request with the same content. But the second request also was left unanswered.

Mr. Samvel Darbinyan - Mayor of Vanadzor

On February 21, 2012, the Freedom of Information Center sent an information request to the Mayor of Vanadzor asking to provide information about the money allocated and provided by Vanadzor city budget for snow cleaning works. The FOICA’s request remained unanswered. Thus, on March 15, 2012, the FOICA sent the second request with the same content. But the second request also was left unanswered.

Mr. Serge Sargsyan - President of the Republican Party of Armenia

On May 25, 2012, the Freedom of Information Center sent an information request to the Republican Party of Armenia asking to provide information about the event organized by the Republican Party on May 4, 2012, at the Republic Square in Yerevan. The Party has left unanswered the FOICA’s information request. Thus, the FOICA sent the second information request, which also was left unanswered.

Mr. Gagik Tsarukyan - President of the "Prosperous Armenia" Party

On April 25, 2012, the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia sent an information request to the "Prosperous Armenia" Party asking to provide information on finances spent for pre-electoral campaign. The Party has left unanswered the FOICA’s information request. Thus, on May 16, 2012, the Freedom of Information Center sent the second information request to the "Prosperous Armenia" Party. The FOICA's second information request also was left unanswered.

Mr. Levon Ter-Petrosyan - President of the "Armenian National Congress" Pact

On April 25, 2012, the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia sent an information request to the "Armenian National Congress" Pact asking to provide information on finances spent for pre-electoral campaign. The Pact has left unanswered the FOICA’s information request. Thus, on May 16, 2012, the Freedom of Information Center sent the second information request to the "Armenian National Congress" Pact with the same content. However, the second request also was left unanswered.

Mr. Aram Sargsyan -President of the Democratic Party of Armenia

On April 25, 2012, the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia sent an information request to the Democratic Party of Armenia asking to provide information on finances spent for pre-electoral campaign. The Party has left unanswered the FOICA’s information request. Thus, on May 16, 2012, the Freedom of Information Center sent the second information request to the Democratic Party of Armenia. The FOICA's second information request also was left unanswered.

Mr. Viktor Martirosyan – Director of the “Environmental Program Implementation Office” State Institution

On May 29, 2012, the FOICA sent an information request to the Director of the “Environmental Program Implementation Office” State Institution Victor Martirosyan asking to provide information about the rewards (bonuses, gifts) received by the employees of the State Institution. An incomplete answer was received from the “Environmental Program Implementation Office” SI; no information asked by FOICA was received about the employees of the “Environmental Program Implementation Office” SI having received rewards and the amount of money. Thus, on June 20, 2012, the FOICA sent the second information request asking to provide complete and full information. The second request got an unjustified refusal with the grounding that it was information on personal data of the employee.

Mrs. Sona Gharibyan – Head of the Financial Oversight Inspectorate

On May 29, 2012, the FOICA sent an information request to the Head of the Financial Oversight Inspectorate Sona Gharibyan asking to provide information about the rewards (bonuses, gifts) received by the employees of the Inspectorate. In response to FOICA’s request, an incomplete answer was received. The answer was considered incomplete since no information requested by FOICA was provided about those employees of the Financial Oversight Inspectorate having received rewards and the amount of rewards received by each employee. Thus, on June 23, 2012, the FOICA sent the second information request asking to provide complete and full information. The second request got an unjustified refusal with the grounding that it was information on personal data of the employee.

Mr. Karen Tamazyan – Head of the Licensing Agency

On May 29, 2012, the FOICA sent an information request to the Head of the Licensing Agency Karen Tamazyan asking to provide information about the rewards (bonuses, gifts) received by the employees of the Agency. In response to FOICA’s request, an incomplete answer was received. The answer was considered incomplete since no information requested by FOICA was provided about those employees of the Licensing Agency having received rewards and the amount of rewards received by each employee. Thus, on June 23, 2012, the FOICA sent the second information request asking to provide complete and full information. The second request got an unjustified refusal with the grounding that it was information on personal data of the employee.

Mr. Karen Khtryan - Head of the Legal Act Expertise Agency

On May 29, 2012, the FOICA sent an information request to the Head of the Legal Act Expertise Agency Karen Khtryan asking to provide information about the rewards (bonuses, gifts) received by the employees of the Agency. In response to FOICA’s request, an incomplete answer was received. The answer was considered incomplete since no information requested by FOICA was provided about those employees of the Licensing Agency having received rewards and the amount of rewards received by each employee. Thus, on June 23, 2012, the FOICA sent the second information request asking to provide complete and full information. The second request got an unjustified refusal with the grounding that it was information on personal data of the employee.

Mr. Abram Bakhchagulyan – Head of the State Food Security Service

On May 29, 2012, the FOICA sent an information request to the Head of the State Food Security Service Abram Bakhchagulyan asking to provide information about the rewards (bonuses, gifts) received by the employees of the Service. In response to FOICA’s request, an incomplete answer was received. The answer was considered incomplete since no information requested by FOICA was provided about those employees of the Licensing Agency having received rewards and the amount of rewards received by each employee. Thus, on June 23, 2012, the FOICA sent the second information request asking to provide complete and full information. The second request was left unanswered.

Mr. Andranik Gevorgyan – Head of the “Environmental Program Implementation Office” State Institution

On May 29, 2012, the FOICA sent an information request to the Head of the “Environmental Program Implementation Office” State Institution Andranik evorgyan asking to provide information about the rewards (bonuses, gifts) received by the employees of the SI. In response to FOICA’s request, an incomplete answer was received. The answer was considered incomplete since no information requested by FOICA was provided about those employees of the SI having received rewards and the amount of rewards received by each employee. Thus, on June 23, 2012, the FOICA sent the second information request asking to provide complete and full information. The second request was left unanswered.

 Mrs. Lilya Vardgesyan – Director of the School N1 after Stepan Shahumyan

On August 17, 2012, the FOICA sent an information request to the Director of the School N1 after Stepan Shahumyan asking to provide information about the documents required for admission to the school. The request was left unanswered. Thus, on September 12, 2012, the FOICA sent the second information request, which also was left unanswered.

Mrs. Ira Hakobyan – Director of the School N2 after Khachatur Abovyan

On August 17, 2012, the FOICA sent an information request to the Director of the School N2 after Khachatur Abovyan asking to provide information about the documents required for admission to the school. The request was left unanswered. Thus, on September 12, 2012, the FOICA sent the second information request, which also was left unanswered.






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