Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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White and Black Lists

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Lists by years

These officials have violated the peoples access to information right in 2003.

  • Ararat Mkrtchyan - Minister of Healthcare of the RA (twice)
  • Samvel Manaseryan - "Paradise" Company, Executive Director
  • Levon Harutyunyan - Head of Arabkir Community
  • Edik Zurabyan - Acting Head of Supervision Service of President of the RA
  • Yervand Zakharyan - Yerevan City Mayor
  • Varazdat Mkrtchyan - Head of Nork-Marash Community
  • Mher Sedrakyan - Head of Erebuni Community
  • Davit Petrosyan - Head of Nor-Nork Community
  • Aghvan Grigoryan - Head of Malatia-Sebastia Community
  • Hayk Harutyunyan - Head of the RA Police (twice)
  • Hrayr Karapetyan - Marzpet of Aragatsotn Region
  • Yerem Yesoyan - Head of Staff of the First Instance Court of Erebuni and Nubarashen Communities
  • Sergo Yeritsyan - Minister of Education and Science of the RA
  • V. Harutyunyan - Director of Gasification and Gas Delivery Yerevan Branch of "Hayrusgazard" CJSC
  • Robert Nazaryan - Yerevan City Mayor
  • Henrik Kochinyan - Marzpet of Lori Region
  • Margarit Grigoryan - "Yerevan Electric Network" CJSC, Head of Press Service
  • Armen Zargaryan - Director of Linci Fund Head Office
  • Hrayr Sargsyan - Director of Linci Fund "Disaster Area PIO"
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