Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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26.12.2007 - FOI Needs Assessments Report 2007

On 23 September 2003 Armenia adopted a comprehensive Freedom of Information law. However, until today the implementation of the FOI law continues to pose a significant challenge for national and local authorities as well as for Armenian society at large. One of the main reasons for current situation is that information holders in governmental structures do not provide information because they are not sufficiently aware of their duties under the law and do not possess the...

28.11.2007 - Electoral Disputes Resolution -Parliamentary Elections 2007, Court Monitoring Summary

Freedom of information Center published outcomes of the court monitoring “Electoral Disputes Resolution - Parliamentary Elections 2007” in cooperation with the American Bar Association.   The aim of this report was to identify the nature of prevailing electoral disputes and the type of alleged violations without engaging in a detailed analysis of the facts in every case and the arguments put forward by the respective...

01.05.2006 - Justice Initiative Access to Information Monitor 2004

This report Transparency and Silence details the results of a study undertaken by the Justice Initiative and its partners to discover how government offices and agencies in fourteen countries -- Argentina, Armenia, Bulgaria, Chile, France, Ghana, Kenya, Macedonia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Romania, South Africa, Spain -- respond to specific requests for information. The study provides valuable insight into the procedural application of access to information norms in the monitored...

01.02.2006 - Freedom of Information Law implementation Monitoring 2005

The major aim of this monitoring is to examine on how state and public institutions implement their obligations under the FOI law. It provides more than an indicator of whether Armenian Government is meeting its own mandate regarding free and open information. The report analyzes the state of FOI in Armenia, it identifies reasons for failure to open access, as well as it highlights the institutions’ internal procedures for providing access to information. The Monitoring tracks the...

01.01.2006 - Freedom of Information Monitoring in the Republic of Armenia / 2004

In the Republic of Armenia the monitoring process was led by the Freedom of Information Center.  A total of 140 requests were submitted to 18 bodies out of which 6 were state government bodies, 8 local self-governing bodies, 2 courts, as well as 2 private organizations with public functions. It’s quite obvious that in comparison with the last year monitoring results, this year outcomes for all requests are more positive. There are several reasons for these positive changes. ...

01.01.2005 - Article 19 South Caucasus Report 2004

Article 19 report - Under Lock and Key, Freedom of Information and the Media in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia .  Article 19, the Global Campaign for Free Expression, has been working in the South Caucasus, in collaboration with local partner organizations, since April 2003. ARTICLE 19’s Law Program prepared legal analyses of media laws in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia and assisted local working groups with drafting new specialized legislation. 

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