Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Freedom of Information in Armenia 2004 (a poll)


In September 2004 the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia, by the assistance of OSCE and ARTICLE 19 has conducted a poll among state officials and media representatives of Armenia. The aim of the poll was to observe how effectively the provisions of the law on Freedom of Information are applied, how transparently and openly are working the state and local self-government bodies and what kind of obstacles the journalists face during their professional activities, while requesting for information, and to what extend their right of receiving information is protected.80 persons from Yerevan (capital) and the regions have participated in the poll, out of which 40 officials and 40 journalists. For implementation of the poll, besides Yerevan also five regions were involved: Shirak, Lori, Syunik, Ararat and Tavush (polls outcomes).

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