Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Freedom of Information in Armenia 2022


The goal of this research is to develop the methodology and mechanisms for monitoring the freedom of information (FoI), as well as the components of the system of maintaining FoI statistics and reporting by the government agencies that are holders of information.

The following objectives were set for the implementation of this goal:

  • assess the current state of freedom of information by checking the level of fulfillment oflegally stated obligations for information holders in the field of FOI;
    • carry out a study of maintaining official statistics in the field of freedom of information and develop a FOI statistics maintenance system and methodology;
  • develop a unified methodology, mechanisms and evaluation criteria for monitoring freedom of information, meanwhile shaping the self-assessment and evaluation systems for the government agencies that are holders of information; and
  • develop and submit recommendations and advice on comprehensive reforms in the field.

The two key subsystems for monitoring freedom of information were developed and submitted: the subsystem for self-assessment of ensuring freedom of information-by-information holders, as well as the subsystem for external evaluation (methodology, instructions, criteria and guidelines).

Through the use of these subsystems, on the one hand, information holders will be able to assess the adequacy of their freedom of information obligations and match their operation with the requirements of the legislation and the international norms (self-assessment). On the other hand, through the developed monitoring system, it will be possible to perform an external evaluation of FoI. The methodology, the agencies, the frequency and the criteria for the external evaluation of the FoI sector were presented.

When developing the monitoring system the openness by design approach1 was taken into account, which aims to encourage information holders to act in accordance with the law on their own initiative.

In view of considering the activity “Development and implementation of a system for maintenance of statistics on the right to freedom of information, monitoring and reporting” planned by the Public Administration Reform Strategy Package of the Government of the Republic of Armenia by 2030 within the scope of powers of the Personal Data Protection Authorized Body, the overall evaluation of freedom of information was reserved for the Personal Data Protection Authorized Body until the time a FoI Authorized Body is established in Armenia. After the establishment of an independent authorized FoI body, that body should be provided with the effective mechanisms and tools required for evaluating the FoI sector.

Based on the developed methodology for external evaluation, the research group also monitored the state of FoI, identifying the existing problems and outlining the possibilities for their solution. The research group also developed the methodology for maintaining FoI statistics and the necessary samples, which would help develop the practice of forming unified FoI statistics in this country.


This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Knowledge & Impact and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union․


 Freedom of Information in Armenia. Executive Summary- ENG
 «Freedom of Information in Armenia» ARM

 The appendixes 1-7


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