Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Completed FOICA projects

23. Freedom of Information Implementation Survey in Armenia


The goal of the project is to monitor and assess the implementation practice of the Armenian “Freedom of Information Law” by the government system as well as by organizations with public functions, as well as to enhance public control on the government transparency.

The objectives of the project are:

  • To improve the level of transparency and accountability of the government agencies. To show statistics of rejection and other responses for each Governmental body using simple graphs;
  • To facilitate the development of freedom of information through adopting modern standards of electronic democracy;
  • To summarize 7 years FOI law implementation practice (since 2004) to find out how transparently central and local government bodies function; and assess whether implementation has improved since then;
  • To assess level of openness and transparency of the private organizations with public functions;
  • To develop a practical mechanism for ongoing monitoring of the Government transparency.

Project Outputs:

  • To conduct a survey of the FOI law implementation practice;
  • To develop an on-line social platform on Freedom of Information;
  • Public presentation of the FOI survey results and the FOI social platform.

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