Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Completed FOICA projects

57. Combating Disinformation Virus


The goal of this project was to promote the fight against online disinformation in Armenia. The project will enhance the media literacy and fact-checking skills of youth through the establishment of Fact-checking laboratories in two schools and three universities of Armenia which allowed involving young people in the process of identifying and debunking online disinformation and misinformation. In addition, a special video blog series “Fake Busters” and newsletters devoted to media Literacy and fighting disinformation was launched. The project also helped journalists, NGOs, civic groups, businesses and citizens to more easily request and receive accurate and reliable information with the establishment of a dedicated chat bot and a rapid response center.

The Project's objectives were:
  • Establish Fact-checking laboratories in three universities and two schools of Armenia with the involvement of 25 high school and 25 university students
  • Produce and disseminate 10 video series entitled "Fake Busters" aimed at promoting media literacy and fighting disinformation
  • Produce and disseminate eight newsletters including the fact-checking content produced by the students of fact-checking laboratories
  • Launch a dedicated chat bot and a rapid response center to allow stakeholders to easily access accurate information.

The Project was supported by the U.S. Embassy in Armenia. The Project started on July 15, 2020, and ended on December 31, 2021.



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