Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Completed FOICA projects

35. Supporting Free Access to Information and Extrajudicial Solutions of Media Disputes in Armenia


The Project is supported by the OSCE office in Yerevan. Project duration is 4 months (May 15- September 15, 2014).

The project overall goal is is to promote transparency and openness of the government, as well as to enhance the legal knowledge of legal practitioners and other target groups (e.g. journalists, civil activists, human rights defendants, civil claimants and respondent) about substantive and procedural aspects of use of defamation norms in courts and before alternative dispute resolution bodies, as well as on FOI legislation aspects.  

Project Objectives:

The objectives of the project are:

  1. Increase of public oversight and participation in OGP  Armenia processes- To advertize the Armenia's OGP commitment to build an open government in wider public and involve the public in the monitoring process of the implementation of the commitments;
  2. to promote freedom of the press and the rigt to know by organizing the 4rd “Freedom of the Press; the Right to Know” photo exhibition
  3. To produce and publish a comprehensive and complete user guide on the application of defamation norms;
  4. To conduct one working session with attorneys and journalists on how to use the guidebook, as well as to present and discuss the new draft package of the FOI legislation amendments. 

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