Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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News & events

05.09.2006 Statement of Support for Proposed Regulations to Implement Armenia’s Law on Freedom of Information

September 2006 1. INTRODUCTION Armenia’s Law on Freedom of Information, a joint effort by civil society actors and members of the National Assembly to enact the right of access to information, was adopted on 23 September 2003. This groundbreaking and progressive law provides for a right to access all information held by public bodies, as well as to information held by private organisations of public importance (this includes private organisations who provide a public service, as...

29.08.2006 The Black List

FOICA has published the Black List of the officials who have violated the RA Freedom of Information Law in June-August, 2006. During this period FOICA has sent 25 information requests to the heads of many central and local government agencies. Officials included in the Black List did not response to information requests on time and according to requirements of the FOI Law.

09.08.2006 RA Ministers Income and Asset Declarations were published

The RA State Tax Inspection provided income and asset declarations of the RA Ministers to FOICA.  Here you can find the full information.

01.08.2006 The Law Should Not Be Changed

The Report by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Mr. Mikos Haraszty on the State of Media Freedom in Armenia released on July 26, 2006 covers also situation on access to information in Armenia.  The chapter 8 “Access to Information” states: “Although Armenia adopted one of the most progressive Freedom of Information Laws in CIS countries, access to information by media professionals remains limited. This phenomenon is due to the poor implementation of the law. In...

07.07.2006 If You Did not Come We Would not Read the Law

“How can we utilize the Freedom of Information Law if we have not read it?”, frankly confessed one of the members of Sarukhan village council. “We do not receive even Land and Civil Codes, so nobody will send us the Freedom of Information Law. How could we know what the law requires?” How to utilize the RA Law on Freedom of Information workshop was organized on July 7, 2006 by Freedom of Information Center and RTI for 34 officials representing the regional and municipal governments of...

29.06.2006 The Black List

FOICA has published the Black List of the officials who have violated the Freedom of Information Law of the RA in March-May, 2006. During this period FOICA has sent around 60 information requests to the heads of many central and local government agencies. Officials included in the Black List did not response to information requests on time and according to requirements of the FOI Law.

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