Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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News & events

13.02.2009 The Court restored the freedom of information right

Just another time it is by the court’s interference that the violated right to freedom of information was restored.  On the 4th of August 2008 citizen Artak Zeynalyan addressed an inquiry–letter to get information to Gorik Hakobyan, Head of the National Security Service (NSS) affiliated to the RA Government, requiring information pertaining to the mass rally took place on the 1st of August 2008 at the area adjacent to the Matenadaram and procession followed after it.   ...

09.02.2009 FOI’s Claim against Nor Nork Community Leader and Community Administration

A preliminary court hearing of the FOI’s claim against the administration of Nor Nork Community and Community Leader David Petrosyan took place at the Administrative Court (Presiding Judge – His Honor Ashot Sargsyan) on the 26th of January, which was aimed at recognizing the inactivity of the Community’s administration as unlawful, obliging the latter to provide in five-day period the requested information and instituting administrative proceedings against David Petrosyan, Nor Nork...

05.02.2009 Open Letter to the President Obama

  “Open Letter by Members of Global Openness Community welcoming President Obama's Initiative on Transparency” The undersigned organizations, which work around the world to promote the right of access to information, welcome the steps taken by President Barack Obama on his first day in office to reverse recent trends and to promote high standards of openness in government. We particularly welcome the call for a clear presumption in favor of disclosure of information, so that “in the...

21.01.2009 FOI wins one after another

On the 20th of January 2009 hearings of the FOI claim versus Davtashen Community Council and Davtashen Community Leader Arthur Gevorgyan took place in the Administrative Court of the Republic of Armenia (Presiding Judge – His Honor Ashot Sargsyan). The requirements of the claim were to oblige Davtashen Community Council to provide the required information within five day period, and to fine Arthur Gevorgyan - Davtashen Community Leader – to pay administrative penalty at the amount of 5000...


On December 30th the RA Administrative Court fully satisfied the claim of the Freedom of Information Center versus the administration of Arabkir community of Yerevan. The NGO addressed the court with a demand to commit the communal administration to provide full information requested. In addition, the court obliged Arabkir administration to cover judicial expenses of the NGO.

26.12.2008 BLACK LIST 2008

THESE OFFICIALS HAVE VIOLATED PEOPLES' RIGHT OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION IN 2008.  1. Aram Danielyan Mayor of Hrazdan city 2. Gagik Tamazyan Mayor of Ashtarak city...

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