Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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TRAINING: “Firewall of Disinformation"


Disinformation Firewall: Developing skills of Civil Society Organisations to identify and counter anti-Western disinformation

"Strategic Communications Center-Georgia" in cooperation with the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia and is launching a new project that aims to unite organizations fighting against anti-Western propaganda and disinformation in Georgia, Moldova and Armenia. Within the framework of the project, representatives of non-governmental and voluntary organizations will be given the opportunity to increase their capacity and acquire knowledge on such an important and deficient discipline within countering disinformation, as "Open Source Intelligence - OSINT". The training will be conducted by the Polish organization - "Info Ops Polska".

OSINT is the acquisition, collection and analysis of information and data available publicly. For example, determining geo-locations, identifying the original sources of altered video and photo materials, etc. Within the framework of the project, the trainees will also receive information on other important methods of combating disinformation. In the second phase of the project, the involved organizations will become members of the international network created against anti-Western propaganda and disinformation.

The training will take place online, in English, from 16-19 October. The training sessions will last about half a day.

Each organization interested in the project can nominate a maximum of three employees to participate in the training.

Please send an email to the following address:, by August 31, with subject [Disinformation Firewall OSINT] along with the following information:

1) Brief information about the organization (maximum 150 words);

2) Implemented relevant projects (maximum 500 words);

3) Short resume of nominated candidate(s).

As for individual volunteers, please provide us with a cover letter justifying the importance of your participation in the project (maximum 500 words).

Preference will be given to organizations operating in regions densely populated by ethnic minorities. 

This project is supported by the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) and financed by the European Union.

Disclaimer: This poster was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of “Strategic Communications Center – Georgia” and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. 

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