Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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The opening of street art entitled "You have the right to know" took place


On July 2, the Freedom of Information Centre of Armenia organized a street art under the title "You have the right to know" within the framework of Open Government Partnership.
One of the pillars of Yerevan's Gevorg Chaush Street bridge has been illustrated, with a reminder of one of the fundamental human rights - freedom of information - stamped on it.
Participating journalists personally took part in the fascinating and symbolic initiative, leaving their fingerprints on the wall bordered with the shades of the OGP program, as a sign of the importance and participation of journalists in ensuring freedom of information.
The purpose of the event was to raise the level of public awareness about the Open Government Partnership through street art, one of the modern directions of fine art, showing the irreplaceable importance of the right to receive information in maintaining the principles of OGP and effectively fulfilling the commitments.
A briefing was also held in connection with the opening. The journalists' questions related to the topic were answered by the OGP local point of contact of the Office of the Prime Minister of Armenia, Ms. Lilya Afrikyan and the President of the Freedom of Information Center Shushan Doydoyan.
"Access to Information right is one of the basic human rights, and I consider it a key that enables us to open doors and realize all other human rights. This is an opportunity to the full realization of all other human rights. "Freedom of information is one of the most important values of the Open Government Partnership and this is being implemented within the framework of the OGP global innitiative, to which Armenia has been a member since 2011," concluded Ms. Shushan Doydoyan.
According to Lilya Afrikyan, accurate information is very valuable in today's world, the skills from which you can get accurate information. "Let's try to spread the link of the event in one of the outskirts of the city, the message in this interesting format as well," L. Afrikyan said.
The event was organized by the Freedom of Information Centre of Armenia within the framework of the "Support to the Joint Creation of the 5th National Program of Actions for the Protection of Public Safety" program. The project is implemented jointly with the Armavir Development Center and the Armenian Association of Lawyers with the support of the EU.

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