Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Armenia: Empowering the Private Sector to Combat Disinformation


CIPE’s Europe and Eurasia department has launched an open call for organizations in Armenia to submit their proposals for disinformation-related projects. The projects should engage the Armenian private sector in combatting disinformation through collaborative and innovative approaches. CIPE is looking for creative and new methodologies that highlight the unique role the private sector plays in the information landscape that may be expanded upon or replicated later.

Examples of activities may include, but not be limited to: training sessions for business associations or companies; initiating public-private dialogues or roundtables; research covering the views of the private sector on disinformation in the country; corporate social responsibility initiatives or trainings; developing policy papers, etc.

CIPE will award grants of up to $10,000 to qualifying organizations.



  • Non-for-profit organizations and foundations with experience leading projects on disinformation
  • Advertising companies
  • Marketing firms
  • Research organizations
  • Business membership organizations and/or associations
  • Chambers of commerce and industry


  • The deadline for submission is January 31, 2022. Only organizations that meet the deadline will be eligible.
  • Grant amounts will be up to $10,000. The actual grant amount will be based on a detailed budget and explanation of activities in the proposal.
  • Proposed projects should aim for a start date of February 15, 2022 and will be three to four months in duration. CIPE encourages grantees to gather evidence and record data throughout the program.
  • All proposals must include the following elements:
  • Organizational background
  • Problem statement
  • Project goal and objectives
  • Description of activities
  • Project timeline
  • Expected results
  • Detailed budget (please submit separate Excel file)
  • Grant recipients will be required to submit a final report and an evaluation report due one month after the completion of the project. There will be no extensions allowed. Final grant payment will be based on all reports submitted on time. CIPE will provide reporting templates for all three reports.
  • Sections to be included in the proposal
  • Organizational Background: Introduce your organization; include its mission and vision. What are your goals as an organization? What change do you hope to achieve through your organization?

Problem Statement: What is the problem you are trying to solve? Craft a problem statement that makes it clear that there is a real problem that needs to be solved.

Project Goal and objectives: A goal gives a general statement of your project’s purpose. Objectives are more concrete and specific in how the goal will be achieved.

Description of Activities: What are the specific activities that will happen during the project? How are the activities linked to and support the intended goal? Thinking about your activities, what are most appropriate, and which will be most effective for this specific initiative?

Contingency Plans: Because of the uncertainties caused by COVID-19, include contingency plans for activities that may not be possible depending on future pandemic restrictions, including travel or in-person events.

Project Timeline: Please include a list of monthly activities; it will help CIPE understand project timelines.

Project Results: What are the real-world impacts of your planned project? What will be changed by your project? Breaking them out into short, medium, and long-term results makes it easier for CIPE to understand why it is important to support your work.

Budget: What justifies the financial and time commitments necessary to execute your project plan? Provide an evidence-based and detailed budget of up to $10,000. Please provide information on: salaries (by month and the position title), travel (for who, to where, how will they travel, how often, and why are they traveling), contractual services (for what service and who are you contracting?), and any other direct costs to the project (i.e. media outreach, policy help, events, trainings, meetings, PPDs, etc.).


The applicant should provide the following documentation:

Proposal consisting of the following elements: organizational background, problem statement, project goal and objectives, description of activities, and project timeline.

Detailed budget (please submit separate Excel file)

Please send applications to Anna Goltermann ( and Luiza Ayvazyan ( 

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