Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Informed and strong: The next step


The second stage of the "Fact-checking for students" online course was held on May 25-27. This time the students of the regional universities had the opportunity to participate in the course.

In May, the Freedom of Information Center organized an online "Examination of Facts for Students" program within the framework of the "Aware and Strong Youth" program for students from Yerevan regional universities.

The three-day training aimed to impart basic knowledge about fact-checking to young people who are active consumers and disseminators of information flows, to present the main tools and platforms for fact-finding, and to promote their application in professional and everyday life.

Shushan Doydoyan, President of the Freedom of Information Center, addressing the participants, stressed that the verification of facts is already possible not only for journalists ․ "All of you, even in everyday life, not only consume information but also actively disseminate it. We are convinced that literate young people are the most effective tool in the fight against disinformation. ”

The training was conducted by a fact-checking specialist, media researcher Harutyun Tsatryan and Editor-in-Chief of the Fact Investigation Platform ( Ani Grigoryan. The trainers not only provided the participants with theoretical knowledge of fact-checking and introduced the basic tools, but also tested their effectiveness in verifying the various information of interest to the participants.

The coordinator of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung projects in Armenia Liana Badalyan also took part in summing up the course. She mentioned that she had been personally following the process with great interest, trying to test all the tools and platforms on his own.

The recordings of the course are available on the FOICA YouTube page

Fact-checking for students: Day #1 

Fact-checking for students: Day #2

Fact-checking for students: Day #3 

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