Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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The Court restored the freedom of information right


Just another time it is by the court’s interference that the violated right to freedom of information was restored.  On the 4th of August 2008 citizen Artak Zeynalyan addressed an inquiry–letter to get information to Gorik Hakobyan, Head of the National Security Service (NSS) affiliated to the RA Government, requiring information pertaining to the mass rally took place on the 1st of August 2008 at the area adjacent to the Matenadaram and procession followed after it.    However no reply was received from the NSS.  

Consequently, A. Zeynalyan brought a suit to the RA Administrative Court against the NSS to recognize the fact of the freedom of information right and requirements for the information provision.  

During the examination of the case the respondent’s representative accepted the claim in the part of recognizing the fact of violating the freedom of information right, concurrently noting that it was nearly impossible to respond to the inquiry to get information right away, “since the raised inquiries needed some additional study”. After the mentioned studies A.  Zeynalyan’s inquiry was at last responded on the 27th of August.

 The RA Administrative Court, studying all the facts available in the case, during the court session took place on the 8th of January 2009 resolved to satisfy the claim of Artak Zeynalyan against the RA National Security Service to recognize the fact of violation of the right to freedom of information, and   recognize the fact of violation A.  Zeynalyan’s right to freedom of information; and abate A.  Zeynalyan’s claim for the provision of information by the RA National Security Service.    

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