Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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On December 19 the RA Administrative Court considered the suit of the Freedom of Information Center versus the administration of Arabkir community of Yerevan. The NGO addressed the court with a demand to commit the communal administration to provide the information requested.

On July 30, 2008 the Freedom of Information Center made an inquiry as to the number of apartments held by Arabkir community with ownership right, asking to specify their addresses, as well as provide the judicial statistics on the cases of eviction of the residents from unprivatized apartments. In the letter of August 6 the communal administration responded only to the last part of the inquiry, without providing the information about the apartments it owned.

At the court session of December 19 the respondent stated that the unprivatized apartments had not been taken stock of previously, and their registration started only recently, upon the order of the head of the community. In the opinion of the judge, the administration should have responded in any case, even if it lacked the necessary information.

The court ruling is set to be publicized on December 30, 2008.

Yerevan Press Club  

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