Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Media about FOICA"Freedom of Press in photos: exhibition opens at the Painters Union of Armenia"


 Exhibition on 'Freedom of Press: the Right to Freedom of Information' opened today at the Painters Union of Armenia.

RA Education and Science Minister Armen Ashotyan, Ambassador Sergei Kapinos, head of the OSCE office to Yerevan, the US Ambassador to Armenia Mary Jovanovich, UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Dafina Gercheva and others addressed speeches at the meeting and congratulated journalists.

The exhibition was organized by the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia (FOICA) in assistance with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

30 works, selected from over 300 ones, were represented at the exhibition.
Shushan Doydoyan, director and founder of the Freedom of Information Center, mentioned that one of the specifications of the exhibition is that not only professional photographs were invited to participate in it, but also those, who just wanted to represent all their photos on the theme.

'It is not a competition, but an exhibition, which just gives an
opportunity to people to represent their point of view on the freedom of press,’ Shushan Doydoyan said.

The US Ambassador to Armenia Mary Jovanovich mentioned in her speech that the modern societies have to reveal the creative skills of their members in order to advance in the current global dynamic environment. 'This implies trusting the citizens' choices made on the basis of comprehensive information,' Mary Jovanovich said.

The UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Dafina Gercheva says May 3- World Press Freedom Day- is a tribute to those journalists, who died or were injured for the freedom of speech and is an appeal for guarantying the freedom to get information, as well as a method to make people remember that applying this right and safeguarding it are crucial for creating a civil society.


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