Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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FOI Trainings


What to demand from the official with 4 years education?


“The freedom of information is crucial to us, but it is useless to explain the official with 4 year education not to break the law, as he can not even read it”,-  confessed Mr. Hrachia Gevorgyan, Head of Aragatsotn Regional Governance Office during the workshop held in Ashtarak in the joint efforts of FOICA and RTI on October 13, 2006.


Thirty one officials from Aragatsotn Regional Governnance Office and local communities of the Marz gathered to discuss the practice of utilization of the RA Law on Freedom of Information with FOI Experts. The main speakers Mrs. Marine Hakobyan and Mrs. Lilit Simonyan touched on the sore subject of community problems and spoke about the role and importance of the Law on Freedom of Information in these problems solution. Different examples were given from international and local experience on this.  


Mr. Robert Hakobyan, Regional Governance Office staff member pointed that the law is not kept within thoroughly because of our national mentality. “People used to turn to uppers”, - he said, - “People pass several miles to see the Regional governor for the simplest issues. Nothing can make him leave the building unless he sees the official personally”.


In reply Mrs. L. Simonyan mentioned that the Village Administration staff and not the villagers are to be blamed.  “In case they comply with Law on Freedom of Information and manage their work openly and transparently, such problems will never arise”.


Mrs. M. Hakobyan in details presented the list of 13 groups of information compulsory published, as well as the terms and conditions of replies on request of citizens and legal base for regrets. All the participants of the workshop were provided with different printed materials concerning the discussed issues.

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