Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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23.06.2009 From Pen to Keyboard

The Kotayk marz has always stood out among Armenia’s 10 marzes in terms of openness and transparency. Some explained it by its proximity to the capital, others by its marzpet’s progressive views. In this context, it was not really surprising that the Mulberry system is already introduced in the Kotayk marz. Our conversation with the Kotayk Marzpet, Kovalenko Shahgaldyan , focused on the system and on how to work with citizens more effectively. - Kotayk is the first marz in Armenia were...

27.05.2009 Mayoral Candidates Without Declarations

From now on, voters can no longer find out any details about their candidates' property and income, because as of January 1 of this year, candidates running in elections no longer submit property and income declarations to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC). Even though the Election Code contains provisions for declarations being made public, the RA Law on Declaration of Property and Income by Senior State Officials was annulled as of January 1, 2009, while the new Law on Declaration...

15.05.2009 The Gegharkunik marzpet is the top “money spender” among marzpets

Unfortunately, it is our taxpayer money. Grisha Balasanyan   The right to receive information is one of the fundamental human rights. However, not all citizens exercise that right today. For example, according to Article 27.1 of the RA Constitution, “everyone shall have the right to submit letters and recommendations to the authorized public and local self-government bodies for the protection of his/her private and public interests and the right to receive...

05.05.2009 Some of the parties participating in elections do not disclose financial reports

On the eve of the May 31 Yerevan city council elections, the Freedom of Information Center ( FOI Center ) decided to find out how willing are the participating parties and party alliances to work in an open and transparent fashion. To this end, FOI Center sent out information requests to the parties participating in the upcoming elections: the Armenian Republican Party (ARP), the Armenian Revolutionary Federation/Dashnaktsutyun (ARF/D), Rule of Law Party (RL), People’s...

20.03.2009 Marzpetarans started working openly and publicly

In February this year the Freedom of Information Center sent information-seeking inquiries to  leaders of 10 provinces (marzes) (excluding Yerevan), in which it requested the governors to provide the FOICA with the copies of the resolutions passed by them during the 4th quarter of 2008. Let us note with pleasure that no inquiry remained unanswered. However, there were some problems with the deadlines.     Tavush, Shirak, Kotayk and Aragatsotn marzpetarans were...

20.03.2009 Is publicity endangered at the Parliament?

The public’s attention to the country’s legislator is rather intensive. This fact is nevertheless righteous, since people want to know how the deputies elected by them work, what laws they adopt and what legislative draft laws they discuss at the country’s parliament.   The principles of transparency and publicity of legislative authorities, openness before public are established by Article 69 of the RA Constitution, which reads: “The sessions/sittings of the National...

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