Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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08.10.2009 Come up with an initiative….

Gevorg Hayrapetyan When attempting to receive information, one comes across such legal acts that define other conditions for receiving information than those defined in the RoA Law on Freedom of Information. On 07.07.2009, the Freedom of Information Center sent an enquiry to the Traffic Police Service of the RoA Police requesting to provide statistics concerning traffic rules violations in Yerevan city for the first half of 2009 and the difference in the number of...

02.10.2009 Publicity: through internet or via traditional means?

Every year in August the names of applicants having entered higher educational institutions are posted on the walls of universities. From the afternoon of 01 August the results of entrance exams were made public in the state higher educational institutions of the Republic. However there were applicants, particularly those of the Yerevan State Economic University , who were able to obtain information on whether or not they have entered the University only 3-4 days later. There...

28.09.2009 Transparency is in the RA Government Agenda

RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan attended today the annual gala award for freedom of information as organized since the passing of the RA Law on Freedom of Information by the Information Freedom Center every year on the 28th of September - the International Information Freedom Day. Congratulating those present on the occasion, the Prime Minister spoke about the problems available in the field of information freedom. According to him, the modern world is based on knowledge and...

04.08.2009 We Have Been Waiting for This Verdict for 5.5 Years

Interview with Shushan Doydoyan, president of the FOI Center FOI - First, allow me to congratulate you on the unprecedented court decision. Was this decision a surprise to you, or did you expect it? SH. D. -We have been waiting for this verdict for 5.5 years. Ever since 2003, when the administrative legislation introduced responsibility for violating the freedom of information right, the FOI Center has been trying to implement that provision of the law, but without luck. We...

27.07.2009 The Ashtarak Mayor’s Misleading Report

A few days ago, the Mayor of Ashtarak, G. Tamazyan, presented his report for the first half of 2009 to the public and the community council members. Let us just say, without getting into the substance of the report, that the mayor seemed somewhat surprised while presenting it. First of all, he would share his detailed thoughts with the audience when presenting every line of the report, giving an impression that Mr. Tamazyan was reading a report from another agency and was finding out about...

10.07.2009 A Law is Passed and Now They Don’t Know What to Do with It

In 2007, the National Assembly adopted the Law on Public Notices by Means of the Internet. According to the law, an official website for public notices was supposed to be created ( ) to publish notices and announcements that are required to be published by law or other normative legal acts. According to the law, the public notices website should be run and maintained by an entity that would win the tender in accordance with procedures defined in the RA Law on Public...

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