Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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10.02.2012 New requirements will be prescribed to official websites

The website of the RoA Ministry of Transport and Communication includes the draft Decree of the Government “On the requirements prescribed to official websites of state agencies”, which envisages streamlining and unifying the requirements that apply to official websites.

16.06.2011 Online Public Notifications are Free and more Effective

The “Law on Online Public Notifications”, which was adopted in 2007, anticipated that all the notifications defined by Law must not only be printed in newspapers and disseminated via television, but also an official website was to be created for public notifications. Because of technical issues, including the incompleteness of the e-governance system, at that time the Law could not be implemented.

26.05.2011 ICT and Good Governance in Armenia

The emergence of an Internet-connected overall society has added a totally new aspect to meaning to the letter “e”. Information and communication technologies have changed literary each sector of society and their access to the public sector has created concepts such as electronic governance (e-governance) and electronic government (e-government).

 Chairman of the ARM Civil Service Council Manvel Badalyan

28.03.2011 “Every Government Employee Ought to Know and Implement the Law on Freedom of Information,”

thinks Chairman of the ARM Civil Service Council Manvel Badalyan

20.03.2011 It is Now Easier to Sue Officials

On 31 January, 2011 the ARM National Assembly passed a law of making amendments in the ARM Administrative Procedure Code. This law also defines the order for imposing administrative sanctions on officials, who violate the human access to information right.

14.03.2011 E-governance assures the execution of the constitutional “Access to Information Right”.

Freedom of information is one of the transparency elements of the state governance system.

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