Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Kilometers Armenian Ministers have passed


Freedom of Information Center sent requests on 1.10.2009 to all the ministers of Armenia asking to provide information about the amount of petrol consumption in August 2009 and how many kilometers their service vehicles have covered during that period. The initiative contributed not only to make the activities of our local officials transparent to the public but it has another mission also – to find out which ministries implement the claims of the law on freedom of information the best.  

First, it’s worth comparing the covered roads and petrol consumption of ministers’ service vehicles. In August, 2009, the total amount of petrol consumed by Armenian ministers forms 5128 liters and covered 26978km (this data excludes Ministries of Defense and Culture, as they’ve not provided information to FOICA, as well as Ministry of Territorial Administration, which says the figures of Minister’s service vehicle are not recorded). Regarding the consumption of petrol, the leading nominee is the vehicle of the Minister of Territorial Administration which wasted 1075l of petrol in August exceeding about 10 times the vehicle of the Minister of Diaspora which wasted the least – 100l. The toll includes the Ministry of Urban Development the second as the minister’s service vehicle consumed 450l. The Ministries of Transport and Communication; and Justice have shared the third horizontal consuming 400l. The Ministries of Diaspora, Finance, and Sport and Youth Affairs conclude the toll as they have consumed the least amount of petrol – 100, 110 and 139 respectively. The rest of ministerial vehicles consumed from 160 to 360l of petrol. The Urban Development Minister V. Vardanyan’s vehicle covered 2743 km in August which opens the ranking table. That figure 4 times exceeds the data provided by the Ministry of Finance – 700km. Minister of Emergency Situations Mher Shahgeldyan’s and Labor and Social Affairs Minister Gevorg Petrosyan’s vehicles covered 2700 and 2550 kilometers respectively which place them in the second and third horizontals. The vehicles of Minister of Justice, 2534km; and Transport and Communication, 2500km, yield a little. The service vehicle of the Minister of Finance covered the shortest way – 700km. The rest of the ministerial vehicles covered from 817 to 2077km.   

 The service vehicles of Ministers of Diaspora and Emergency Situations waste 8.5l/km and 8.3l/km which is supposed a high figure. And the vehicles of Ministers of Agriculture, Foreign Affairs and Sport and Youth Affairs waste less 5.43l/km; 5.55l/km and 5,87l/km respectively. The rest of ministerial vehicles waste from 6.095 to 7.69l/km.       

 Requests have been sent to 18 ministers (including RA Vice PM, Minister of Territorial Administration Armen Gevorgyan). Only Culture Ministry didn’t answer to FOICA request. The Ministry of Defense rejected to answer the request claiming that information about Defense Minister’s service vehicle can’t be given taking into account the activities and functions of the Minister which might have a military secret. Other requests have been answered completely and accurately. The Ministry of Emergency Situations provided the only electronic answer on 14.10.2009. Other answers to the requests have been sent either via mail or handed by a ministry’s representative. The efficiency of the ministries providing answers to the requests also differs. The quickest answer to the FOI request was provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The answer dated 07.10.2009, FOI has received just the same day. The Ministries of Territorial Administration, Transport and Communication, Finance, Urban Development, Labor and Social Affairs pursue Foreign Ministry, as their answers were received on 12.10.1009; answers from Ministries of Diaspora and Education and Science FOI received on 13.10.2009; Ministry of Emergency Situations – 14.10.2009 and finally, Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs – 15.10.2009.  

 The worst result regarding the deadlines has been recorded by the Ministry of Nature Protection – the answer dated on 28.10.2009 FOICA received on 30.10.2009. Health Ministry also registered inefficient figure – the answer dated on 23.10.2009 was received on 26.10.2009. Other ministries have also registered inefficient figures – Defense Ministry, Ministries of Energy and Natural Resources – 16.10.2009; Justice Ministry and Ministry of Economy – 19.10.2009. FOICA took into consideration the dates when the answers had been received while analyzing the time. To conclude, the answers might be ready even sooner than they were received either because the mail or ministry representative was late. It’s worth stating that the answers from the ministries, excluding Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Emergency Situations were dated 2-7 days earlier.            

 FOI registered no partial responses. Only Ministry of Territorial Administration hasn’t provided information about how much minister’s service vehicle covers as that information isn’t generally recorded. To conclude, they just don’t own that kind of information. The ministry, in stead, provided information about petrol consumption of the Vice PM’s service vehicle in August, and stated that 175l of petrol is provided weekly. Though we stated that no partial response was received, several ministries could be differentiated by the content of the information provided by them. It’s remarkable that though the Ministry of Environmental Protection provided late response, it showed the best result regarding its content side. The ministry provided additional information (except the requested information on the amount of petrol consumption in August 2009 and how many kilometers their service vehicles have covered during that period) citing the mark, state registration number of the car, as well as information about the Minister left for holidays in the beginning of August, hence the data covered the period of August 15-31. The answers received from the Ministries of Emergency Situations and Urban Development are positive also which refers the visits that the ministers have made to the communities. The ministries have also provided clarifying notes about the petrol and run of the vehicles. The Ministry of Diaspora has also provided information about the type of petrol – premium, used for the minister’s vehicle.    

Find information about petrol consumption and covered roads of RA Ministers’ service vehicles for August 2009 in the chart below. Petrol consumption. Covered roads. Monthly report of covered road not available. Figures cover period for August 15-31.   

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