Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Strategic litigation

Court cases

13.02.2009 - A. Zeynalyan vs RA National Security Service

On the 4th of August 2008 citizen Artak Zeynalyan addressed an inquiry–letter to get information to Gorik Hakobyan, Head of the National Security Service (NSS) affiliated to the RA Government, requiring information pertaining to the mass rally took place on the 1st of August 2008 at the area adjacent to the Matenadaram and procession followed after it. However no reply was received from the NSS. Consequently, A. Zeynalyan brought a suit to the RA Administrative Court against the NSS...

05.02.2009 - Citizen A. Zeynalyan vs. the RA Police

On August, 2008, a citizen Artak Zeynalyan turned to the RA Police asking to provide the following information: 1. During the public rally organized nearby Matenadaran on August 1, 2008 did the participants of the public event roused clashes against the policemen or mass disorders. 2. If yes, then, give me the copy of the act which the fact is recorded. The RA Police gave no answer to the request. On September 1, 2008, Artak Zeynalyan filed a lawsuit against the RA Police in...

27.01.2009 - 12. FOICA vs. Nor Nork Community Leader and Community Administration

On the 1st of August, 2008, the Freedom of Information Center sent an information request to Nor Nork Community Administration with the following content: “Being guided by Articles 27 and 27.1 of the Constitution of Republic of Armenia and Article 6 of the Law “On Freedom of Information” we hereby request you to provide the following information: 1. How many apartments belong to Nor Nork Community Administration by the ownership right. Where do residents who have not yet...

21.01.2009 - 11. FOICA vs. Davtashen Community Leader and Community Administration

On the 30th of July, 2008, the  Freedom of Information Center sent an information request to Davtashen Community Administration with the following content: “Being guided by Articles 27 and 27.1 of the Constitution of Republic of Armenia and Article 6 of the Law “On Freedom of Information” we hereby request you to provide the following information: 1. How many apartments belong to Davtashen Community Administration by the ownership right. Where do residents who...

04.12.2008 - 10. FOICA vs. Arabkir Community Administration

On the 30th of July, 2008, the Freedom of Information Center sent an information request to Arabkir Community Administration to get information the following subject-matter: “Being guided by Articles 27 and 27.1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and Article 6 of the Law “On Freedom of Information” we hereby request you to provide the following information: 1. How many apartments belong to Arabkir Community Administration by the ownership right. Where...

02.10.2008 - 9. FOICA vs. the Mayor of Hrazdan

On November 2, 2007, “Freedom of Information Center” NGO has sent a written information request to the Mayor of Hrazdan city asking for the copies of the decisions adopted by the city Mayor  and council of elders of Hrazdan during the second quarter of 2007. On November 11, 2007, 20 days later, not receiving neither written nor an oral answer to the request, FOICA has applied to the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia. The Ombudsman studied the facts...

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