Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Strategic litigation

Court cases

Positive Court Cases in Shirak Region


Asparez Club of Journalists won FOI court cases in Shirak region.


On January 25, 2007 “Asparez Club of Journalists”,  NGO applied the First Instance Court of Shirak Region to restore its right to have access to information.  Nine civil cases were brought an action against the heads of communities of Azatan, Shirak, Lusnaghbyur, Amasia, Vorji, Ardenis, Mets Sepasar, Poqr Sepasar, Horom of Shirak region.


The claim was to provide the requested information to the NGO and compensate the plaintiff’s court expenses.

Asparez has addressed to all 119 head of communities of Shirak Region with a request of information, asking to provide:

1. Copy of the community budget for 2006,

2. Copy of the decisions made by the Councils of Elders of the mentioned communities during the period January 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006.


Asparez NGO’s case against the heads of communities of Amasia, Vorji, Shirak, Azatan, Ardenis, Mets Sepasar, Poqr Sepasar regions was heard on February 15 and 22, 2007 in First Instance Court of Shirak Region. In 7 cases out of 9 the court ruled that the rejected information should be provided to the requestor, and the court expenses should be compensated.


One of the remaining two cases (brought against Horom village administrator) was heard on February 28 and the requested information was provided during the court hearing. The last case against Lusaghbyur village administrator is still pending.  However, the head of the village administration was already provided the information on March 1 before the court session starts.


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