Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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OGP Armenia

The Republic of Armenia became a member of OGP in September 2011. Joining the initiative Republic of Armenia expressed its willingness to ensure transparency and accountability in the sphere of public governance and delivery of public services. Freedom of Information Center of Armenia (FOICA) is a pioneer in fostering Open Government Partnership objectives in Armenia by setting up a productive dialogue and cooperation between the Government and civil society. FOICA plays an active role in the development of the OGP Armenia Action Plan, implementation and monitoring of the implementation process against the commitments. Under 27 January, 2012 50-Ա decision of the RA Prime Minister about “Creating a workgroup in order to elaborate the Action Plan for Armenia’s participation in the OGP”, the FOICA was included in the working group.
The official website of the OGP-Armenia is

FOICA joined to the OGP Civil Society Statement


It is a statement drafted by TI and which many others have signed on to - which calls for member states to take forward the proposal or a governance goal (goal 16) as part of the new post-2015 commitments that countries are discussing.

We are trying to get this statement endorsed by a variety of stakeholders - governments, companies and member states - to then present to the UN SG and other UN members states in November. 

Freedom of Information Center of Armenia has also signed the Statement which calls the Civil Society and Government representatives to work more transparent, open and accountable. 



Related Link:

Helen Clark: Opening Speech at the United Nations General Assembly High Level Event on Post-2015 on “Ending Poverty: Why Strong, Accountable Institutions Matter”


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