Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Informed Armenia project

This project seeks to ensure that journalists and civil society organisations produce and share easy-to-understand information, news articles and contributes to a real debate about budget allocations and spending in Armenia. Duration: 18/05/2018 - 18/12/2019 (19 months), Implementing Partners: Freedom of Information Center of Armenia (FOICA), Maastricht-based European Journalism Center.

Sub-Grant Project # 3


Name of the sub-grantee: “V.I.V Aysor ev Vaghe” LTD website

Name of the sub-grant project: Energetic alternative of Armenia

Brief Description: Within this program it is envisaged to prepare a journalistic post through longread, which will cover energy efficiency, alternative energy, introduction of new technologies, energy-saving issues in Armenia and implementation of state, international and private projects in the field of energy, particularly renewable and alternative energy.
This project aims at presenting the current state of the Republic of Armenia energy to the broader audiences, as well as presenting the successful international experience in this area, and pointing out the prospects and potential of the sector development in our country, presenting opportunities to people and existing projects.

Actions in Brief: 

  • Study of international successful experience on energy efficiency,
  • Interviews with representatives of public, private and international companies, structures and organizations implementing projects in the sector,
  • Presentation of examples on energy efficiency and energy saving systems,
  • Data collection and combination,
  • Preparation of multimedia components,
  • Video shooting,
  • Interview-discussions with representatives of state bodies on the results of the collected data combination, presentation of their views,
  • Final collection and combination of necessary data,
  • Longread design works and preparation of the final material,
  • Publishing of the material in our media,
  • Distribution of the published material through social networks.

 Here is the video about the project.


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