Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Black List 2018

These state bodies have not provided any answer to the requests for information or have provided unjustified answers during 2018.

RA Government Staff, Chief of Staff - Eduard Aghajanyan

On 23 May, 2018 Freedom of Information Center of Armenia submitted an electronic request to the RA Government Staff asking to provide the list of the vacancies as well as the publication source. The Government staff provided unjustified answer in 7 work days. The answer is considered to be unjustified, since though the Government continued to make appointments, the body mentioned in the answer that no information on vacancies was available. 

On 14 September, 2018 Roza Khachatryan, a journalist of online newspaper, submitted a request to the Office of RA Prime Minister asking why the name of Sofya Navasardyan was not mentioned in Staff section of the Prime Minister’s official website and why his decision on her appointment had disappeared from the list. The journalist asked to clarify if Sofya Navasardyan was still working. The Office of RA Prime Minister asked for 30 days to provide the information and has not provided any answer yet.

On 26 September, 2018 Lusine Mkrtchyan, a journalist of Mediamax online newspaper, submitted a request to the Office of RA Prime Minister asking information on how much money was returned to the state budget as a result of the fight against corruption and shadow economy and what those means were destined for. The Office of RA Prime Minister asked for 30 days to provide the information and has not provided any answer yet.

 RA Ministry of Defense, Minister - Davit Tonoyan

On 23 May, 2018 Freedom of Information Center of Armenia submitted an electronic request to the RA Ministry of Defense asking to provide the budget execution financial statement for the 1st trimester of 2018. The Ministry has unjustifiably refused to provide any information. The answer of the Ministry of Defense is considered as illegal refusal, since the body asked for additional time for providing the information and refused to provide it 4 days later. According to FOI Law the refusal must be provided within 5 days and the additional time must be exclusively asked for to provide the information and not for justifying the refusal.

On 23 May, 2018 On 23 May, 2018 Freedom of Information Center of Armenia submitted an electronic request to the Ministry asking to provide the list of the vacancies as well as the publication source. The answer of the Ministry is considered as illegal refusal, since firstly the Body asked for additional time and then, 3 days later, refused to provide the requested information.  According to FOI Law the refusal must be provided within 5 days and the additional time must be exclusively asked for to provide the requested information and not for justifying the refusal. 

On 9 September, 2018 Freedom of Information Center of Armenia submitted an electronic request to the Ministry asking for information on the donations to legal entities and natural persons. No information has been provided yet.

RA Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs , Minister  - Gabriel Ghazaryan

On November 6, 2018 Freedom of Information Center of Armenia submitted an electronic request to the Ministry asking to provide information on the results of the investigation carried out by the law enforcement bodies in Youth Events Center State Non-Profit Organization. The Ministry provided unjustified answer in 11 days, informing that the investigative activities were still in the process.

On November 6, 2018 Freedom of Information Center of Armenia submitted an electronic request to the Ministry asking to provide information on the grounds for the dissolution of Youth Events Center State Non-Profit Organization. In the answer provided in 11 days the Website for Publication of Legal Acts was mentioned as the source of the information, where the dissolution decision project was publicized, while the employees had receive a notifications on the dissolution a few weeks before publicizing the project.

RA Ministry of Diaspora, Minister - Mkhitar Hayrapetyan

On 15 August, 2018 Freedom of Information Center of Armenia submitted an electronic request to the Ministry asking to provide information on the grants and subsidies provided to NGOs out of the state budget. The refusal of the Ministry was regarded unjustified, since the information cannot be considered as a state / official, or banking and commercial secret. It is worth mentioning that all the other ministries have provided proper answers to the identical request.


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