Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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"You are Informed" TV programm

"You’re Informed" TV program is devoted to the people' right to know. The program talks about how people can receive necessary information according to the ARM Legislation, where and how to apply, what to do when their inquiry is denied, etc. And most importantly, it tells about how people can implement their other rights through the right to know.

29.09.2010 - Right to Know Day, part 1, with English subtitles.

On 23 September, 2003 RA National Assembly passed the Law "On Freedom of Information". The FOICA initiated and up to now it continues holding the FOI award ceremony. 86 countries of the world celebrate 28 September as the "International Right to Know Day". In order to mark this day the FOICA holds an award ceremony to encourage public and transparent work, and to criticize disclosed and secret work style.

29.09.2010 - Right to Know Day, part 2, with English subtitles.

Year by year the "Golden Keys" given to state and local self-government bodies do leave their positive impact and create competition, as well. Many departments revise their work style in providing official information, striving to become the awardee of the nomination of that year’s most transparently and openly working department.

01.09.2010 - The Passport of RA, pasrt 1

This release of "You are Informed" TV program of the FOICA was about the issues related to Armenian passports: what documents are necessary for receiving a passport, what precise fees are charged by law for receiving a new passport or for a permission to leave the country, etc? How can RA citizens outside Armenia solve issues related to their passports?

01.09.2010 - The Passport of RA, part 2

In other countries all the procedures related to the passports of citizens of the Republic of Armenia are done and controlled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia. This is to say, is any issues occur related to your passport while you are abroad, and if the answers you receive in embassies or consulates are not sufficient, you can receive or appeal the information you need by directly contacting the consulate section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, by calling (+374 10) 56 69 68…

16.08.2010 - Access to Court Documents, part 1

People often avoid taking a case to court for different reasons: they do not trust courts, they consider court proceedings time and money consuming, they do not have enough information. Still, we often face problems in our life when the only legal way to solve them is through court. However, people do not know how and where to start from.

16.08.2010 - Access to the Court Documents, part 2

We inform that the Law gives advantages and in special cases waives the official charges. For example, if the case is about charging salaries or the equivalents, or in case of charging aliments. You can find the full list of the cases when the official charges are waived in article 22 of the Law "On State Payments".

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