Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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08.08.2023 - Private Sector in the Beneficial Ownership Transparency Reform in Armenia

The researchers studied the level of engagement of the private sector in BOT reform in Armenia, assessed benefits to the private sector (exemplified by the media companies) of having reliable information on beneficial owners publicly available, compliance amongst the private sector actors with the new BO reform, the role private sector companies can play in the reform and make necessary recommendations on effective messaging strategies supporting the BOT reform, strengthening the private...

27.06.2023 - Only 7 out of 28 state administration bodies have fulfilled the requirement of the law

Freedom of Information Center of Armenia conducted a study on the official websites of the RA government and bodies under the Government and Prime Minister to determine the level of compliance with the law regarding the posting of 2022 statistics of information requests. Unfortunately, the overall findings are discouraging, as only a quarter of the bodies examined published updated statistical data.

30.03.2023 - National Strategy Аgainst Disinformation

This document is the strategy of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, which unites the efforts of the government, civil society and citizens to combat disinformation. The national strategy envisages the scope, purpose, modern methods and tools of combating disinformation.

29.09.2022 - Armenia’s Media Sector Needs Assessment Report - 2022

This report, commissioned by the Council of Europe’s Information Society Department, Division for Co-operation on Freedom of Expression, presents an update of the 2019 “Armenian Media Sector Needs Assessment – Overview of the National Legislative Framework Covering Media Freedom; Freedom of Expression; and Public Service Media and its Compliance with Council of Europe standards” (hereinafter: 2019 Assessment Report).

01.07.2022 - Freedom of Information in Armenia 2022

The goal of this research is to develop the methodology and mechanisms for monitoring the freedom of information (FoI), as well as the components of the system of maintaining FoI statistics and reporting by the government agencies that are holders of information.

01.02.2022 - The Mapping of the Media in Armenia in the Context of the Fight Against Dis/Misinformation

The research of "Mapping the Armenian media environment in the context of combating misinformation" was conducted during October-November, 2021. The aim of the research is to map the media sector of Armenia in the context of the fight against misinformation, to highlight the main influencers in the field, to explore the existing patterns of misinformation, the peculiarities of creating and spreading fake news. The research also reveals the modern methods of debunking misinformation and the fight against fake news, the fact-checking tools that are used by the Armenian media outlets.

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