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Results and recommendations of the monitoring the services provided by the joint public service offices and the use of www.e-request and platforms (e-justice tools)


The purpose of the monitoring is to identify the problems in the use of e-Justice platforms ( and and during the provision of public services by Ministry of Justice through joint offices.

The monitoring of services and platforms was done in two ways.

  1. monitoring based on direct observations;
  2. monitoring through consultations and interviews of beneficiaries and target groups (operators of electronic platforms and service offices and users of their services), competent persons providing information to state bodies, as well as industry experts, 2 consultative discussions-discussions.

During the monitoring, the problems were identified, the current situation was analyzed and based on the conclusions, several recommendations were developed to improve the sector.

The process of providing services through joint offices is regulated Ministry of Justice of RA. There are some problems concerning the list of the offices published in the website of Ministry: Some of them are not included, some mentioned with wrong address. The monitoring showed that some in general, operators are willing and well aware of the scope of services and the delivery process and are generally able to provide information to the requestors. In some cases, the operators showed that can provide only one or two types of services. The main reason is the fact that some of them still are not joined the general e-program. In some cases, special types of services are not provided because of absence of the trained and qualified specialist. In some other cases, it is recorded that although it is possible to provide the service, it is not possible to receive it.
Based on the results of the monitoring, it can be concluded that the main problems are:

  • Lack of awareness among the general public to use the services offered by the MOJ;
  • Problems related to launching the service delivery programs;
  • Problems related to the provision of services continuously;
  • Lack of control and oversight over the service both by the Ministry of Justice and the public.


The monitoring shows that although awareness campaigns have been carried out since the launch of this platform, this method of appealing to state bodies is not very popular. Although the platform has a separate section representing statistics, but there are no proper clear and understandable statistics on the platform.

The main problem of course the lack of awareness. This is obvious and mentioned even by the state bodies that joined the platform. At the same time, these agencies do not have any information/do any activities promoting using e-request platform. Another problem is the difficulties in sending a request / application (requesting the platform's electronic signature, not sending it due to technical problems, not all government agencies are included in this platform).


The monitoring proved that in general specialist and lawyers don’t use the platform noting that "submitting proposals through that site is pointless; it is still not taken into account in the final draft."
The main problems are:

  • Lack of awareness,
  • Lack of opportunity to discuss: Individuals only post their opinion on the draft legal act or its separate provisions or substantiation.
  • As a platform for discussion, it is not attractive in the sense that there is no real discussion.
  • The author of the project does not respond to all of the submitted proposals.
  • Not all the submitted proposals can be seen in the summary sheet, they are optionally placed in the summary sheet.
  • The fate of the proposals considered acceptable by the author of the project is unknown. They are not reflected in the text of the draft or justification, the change made is not visible.

The monitoring full text is here.


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