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Marzpets’ incomes 2011


In 2011, Marzpet (Regional Governor) of Lori marz Artur Nalbandyan had the highest income: 52,718,634 AMD and 80,000 USD (total of about 84,718,634 AMD). Marzpet of Tavush marz Armen Ghularyan follows Nalbandyan with his income of 2,288,160 AMD and 20,000 USD (total of about 10,288,160 AMD). The next marzpet having received the third highest income in 2011 is Nver Poghosyan, Marzpet of Gegharqunik marz with his income of 10,576,600 AMD.

The Freedom of Information Center had applied to the Commission on Ethnics of High-Level Officials on August 31, 2012 requesting to provide references on the data included in the property and income declarations of the all RA Marzpets. On September 8 the commission provided the requested documents to FOICA. Note that the spouse, the parent living with him/her and adult and unmarried child are considered to be the dependents of an official. Therefore, we will separately present information on the property and incomes of dependents of the RA marzpets.

Movable and immovable property

During 2011, of all 10 marzpets, only the Marzpet of Gegharqunik Nver Poghosyan has alienated or purchased immovable and movable property. However, the RA Commission on Ethnics of High-Level Officials has not provided any data about what immovable property and with what price has the Marzpet purchased. In the references provided by the Commission, this section was covered. Note that the list of data included in the property and income declarations of the high-level officials and their dependents and subject to be publicized (provided) is defined by the RA Government: according to the Appendix 1 of the decision 1835-N of December 15, 2011 of the RA Government, among the data included in the declaration of any official, the following are also subject to publication:


  •  Type of the immovable property, price of the property acquired in the tax year and the currency it has been purchased with, the price of the property alienated in the tax year and the currency, if the total price of purchase of the immovable property or the total price of the transactions of purchase of the immovable property has exceeded 50,000,000 AMD or the equivalent foreign currency.

Thus, data on immovable property purchased or alienated by an official are published only in the event when the total price of transactions of purchase of immovable property or total price of transactions of alienation of immovable property has exceeded 50,000,000 AMD or an equivalent foreign currency. Since the Commission on Ethnics of High-Level Officials has covered that section of the declaration of the Marzpet of Gegharqunik Never Poghosyan, therefore it is assumed that the total price of the transactions of purchase by the Marzpet or the total price of the alienation transactions has been less than 50,000,000 AMD.


As to the dependents of marzpets, note that in this case also, immovable or movable property has been alienated or purchased only by Marzpet Poghosyan’s family. Marzpet’s son has purchased or alienated both immovable and movable property. However, information on alienated or purchased property has not been available either: the relevant sections of the references were covered.
According to the above decision of the RA Government, the list of data included in the declarations of dependents subject to be publicized include also:

  • The type of the property of the parent and adult and unmarried child living together with a high-level official, the price of the property acquired in the tax year and the currency used, the price of the property alienated in the tax year and the currency, if the total price of purchase of the immovable property or the total price of the transactions of purchase of the immovable property has exceeded 50,000,000 AMD or the equivalent foreign currency;
  • The type, the brand name, and serial number of the property of the parent and adult and unmarried child living together with a high-level official, the price of the property purchased in the tax year and the currency used, the price of the property purchased in the tax year and the currency used – if the total price (value) of the property purchased by the parent and adult and unmarried child living together with the high-level official during the tax year or, in case of alienation – that of alienated movable property has exceeded 8,000,000 AMD or equivalent foreign currency.

Thus, the data on the immovable and movable property purchased or alienated by the son of Marzpet of Gegharqunik Nver Poghosyan would be published, if the total price of the transactions of purchase of immovable property or the total price of alienation transaction exceeded 5 million AMD or equivalent foreign currency, and if the total price (value) of transactions of purchased or alienated movable property exceeded 8 million AMD. Since the sections of the declaration of the Marzpet’s son related to immovable and movable property were also covered, therefore, in this case also it is assumed that the amounts of 50 million and 8 million AMD have not been exceeded.

Incomes in foreign currency

Marzpet of Lori Artur Nalbandyan and Marzpet of Tavush Armen Ghularyan were the only two marzpets having incomes in foreign currency in 2011 – 80,000 USD and 20,000 USD, respectively. According to the declarations, the two marzpets have received this capital in foreign currency as a gift:


in 2011 none of the dependents of the RA marzpets has received incomes in foreign currency.

Comparing the incomes

In 2011, Marzpet (Regional Governor) of Lori marz Artur Nalbandyan had the highest income: 52,718,634 AMD and 80,000 USD (total of about 84,718,634 AMD). Marzpet of Tavush marz Armen Ghularyan follows Nalbandyan with his income of 2,288,160 AMD and 20,000 USD (total of about 10,288,160 AMD). The next marzpet having received the third highest income in 2011 is Nver Poghosyan, Marzpet of Gegharqunik marz with his income of 10,576,600 AMD.

It turns out marzpets of Lori marz have received the highest incomes over the recent 4 year, being the first during the 3 of the 4 years. Thus, in 2008, the former Marzpet of Lori Aram Kocharyan was the first (35,070,600 AMD), (3.088.000 AMD), in 2010 the current Marzpet of Lori Artur Nalbandyan was the first (17.739.735 AMD), in 2011 he was leading again, this time with an income worth of 52,718,634 AMD and 80,000 USD.
In 2011 income of Surik Khachatryan, Marzpet of Syunik was the lowest – 2,359,603 AMD, followed by Marzpet of Aragatsotn Sargis Sahakyan, with 2,497,584 AMD. The trio of the lowest income marzpets is concluded by Marzpet of Kotayq Kovalenko Shahgaldyan, with 2,517,088 AMD.

The size of incomes of the rest of marzpets ranges between 2.6-5.3 million AMD.
The total income of all marzpets made 89,800,636 AMD and 100,000 USD in 2011.


Among the dependents of the RA marzpets, the highest income in 2011 was received by the Marzpet of Vayots Dzor Sergey Bagratyan’s wife: 2,160,000 AMD, followed by the wife of Tavush Marzpet Armen Ghularyan and wife of Syuniq Marzpet Surik Khachatryan, with 2,095,712 AMD and 1,272,000 AMD worth incomes respectively.

The lowest income in 2011 was received by the wife of Marzpet of Lori Artur Nalbandyan: 600,000 AMD. Son of the Marzpet of Vayots Dzor Sergey Badalyan comes next with 900,000 AMD. The third position is shared by the wife of Marzpet of Armavir Ashot Ghahramanyan and the wife of the Marzpet of Ararat Edik Barseghyan with 1,200,000 AMD worth incomes each.

Son of the Marzpet of Gegharqunik Nver Poghosyan has received an income of 1,510,0 AMD (the data are presented according to the references received from the Commission on Ethnics of High-Level Officials. Most probably, this particular case is about 1,510,000 AMD). All the rest of dependents of RA marzpets did not get any incomes in 2011.

The total incomes received by all dependents of RA marzpets in 2011 has made 9,427,712 AMD (to escape inaccuracies, this amount does not include the 1,510,0 AMD received by the son of the marzpet of Gegharqunik Never Poghosyan).

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