Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Completed FOICA projects

65. Building Disinformation Resilience in CSO and Local Government Ecosystems


The Project was implemented in cooperation with Public Journalism Club and supported by the U.S. Embassy in Armenia. The Project Implementation period: 01 December 2021 – 30 September 2022.

Purpose of the project: To equip the CSO representatives and the officials of local government bodies with the necessary knowledge and skills to detect and identify fake news, disinformation, manipulation; to support them to seek, receive and distribute accurate and reliable information; to create the opportunity of networking and cooperation for them to support each other on the common mission of breaking the disinformation flows.

The project objectives:

  • Empowering the CSO representatives with media literacy and fact-checking knowledge, supporting them to build a disinformation resilience capacity.
  • Empowering the officials of local government bodies with media literacy and fact-checking knowledge, supporting them to seek, receive and distribute accurate and reliable information.
  • Enhancing the level of cooperation between the CSOs representatives and local government officials towards the collaborative struggle against disinformation.

In framwork with this Project FOICA will conduct fact-checking training for local government representatives


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