News & events

27.04.2022 Armenia became the 12th Country which ratified the Convention on Access to Official Documents
On March 29, 2022, Armenia finally concluded the ratification process of the Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents. The Freedom of information Center of Armenia has been actively supporting and advocating for the Convention ratification since 2018. Armenia signed the Convention on Access to Official Documents on June 24, 2020. This is the first international document of this level in which states not only recognize the right to access information, but also agree to ensure such a right and cooperate in the field of access.

The meeting with the journalists was also attended by the President of the Freedom of Information Center Ms. Shushan Doydoyan, the OGP-Armenia Coordinator of the Prime Minister's Office, Ms. Lilya Afrikyan, a contact person. The purpose of the meeting is to raise the level of awareness of the media representatives about the OGP initiative and the resulting commitments.

21.04.2022 Journalists specialize in covering Open Government Partnership topics
The aim of the training was to raise the level of awareness of journalists about the OGP initiative and the resulting commitments, to promote accurate, accessible coverage and dissemination of a number of project-related areas.

24.03.2022 New TV Program on beneficial ownership transparency
The Freedom of Information Center of Armenia, with the support of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), has launched a series of "Open Governance" interviews with Factor TV to raise awareness about the transparency of beneficial ownership. The guest of the first interview of the program is Shushan Doydoyan, the head of the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.