Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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FOICA will meet "Prosperous Armenia" Party and Democratic Party of Armenia in the court


On July 2, 2012, the FOICA applied to the first instance courts of general jurisdiction of Yerevan administrative districts asking to oblige the Prosperous Armenia Party and the Democratic Party of Armenia to provide the requested information.

Note that the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia sent information requests to all political parties participating in the RA National Assembly elections (Prosperous Armenia, Heritage, Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsoutyun, Democratic Party of Armenia, Communist Party of Armenia, Republican Party of Armenia, United Armenians Party, Rule of Law Party and Armenian National Congress (ANC) alliance) on April 25 asking to provide information on election campaign finance. All parties responded except for the Prosperous Armenia and the Democratic Party as well as the ANC alliance. The FOICA repeated its request to these two parties and ANC; however these requests also were left unanswered.

The FOICA applied to the Court asking to oblige the Prosperous Armenia Party and the Democratic Party of Armenia to provide the fallowing information:

  1. How much money was spent by the Party for pre-election campaign by April 25, 2012?
  2. How much of the spent money is the Party's own money and how much is the amount of donations made ​​to the party?

Earlier (in 2008), the FOICA sued against the Armenian National Congress alliance with the demand to provide information; however, despite the fact that, according to the RA Electoral Code a party alliance is a body with certain rights and responsibilities, the court, as a result of a legislative 'special case', the Court had considered that the Armenian National Congress alliance was not a proper defendant.

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