Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Media about FOICA

National Assembly and Police Are the Worst


It was found out that there are a lot of issues in this sphere. The first, according to the head of the Center Liana Doydoyan, is the lack of the culture of transparent activities of officials.

250 requests for information have been submitted to 50 organizations in the framework of the monitoring, only 56% provided full response. 8 rejected the requests. The ignored requests amount to 30%.

According to lawyer Gevorg Hayrapetyan, the National Assembly responded to the requests with a 1 month delay. The State Revenue Committee has not responded to the written request, saying that the government of Armenia does not define the procedure of registration, classification and storage of information.

Of the government structures, the best was the Ministry of Education and Science, and the worst were the National Assembly and the Police.

The authors of the monitoring advise the officials to educate their subordinates not to render the provision of information a problem in Armenia. They also propose to release the results of their activities on their own and to work transparently.

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