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Governors' (marzpets') incomes


Gevorg Hayrapetyan

In October 2009 FOICA received from the RA State Revenue Committee all the statements pertaining to the data incorporated in the declarations for property and incomes by all governors.

During 2008 S. Sahakyan, Governor (marzpet) of Aragatsotn, took the position of Deputy Governor of Aragatsotn, so the property and income declaration was submitted by him for the incomes gained while taking this position. In 2008, only 2 of 10 governors (marzpets), who submitted property and income declarations, alienated or acquired any property, more precisely – only immovable property.  The Governor (marzpet) of Shirak acquired 1 landplot and 6 buildings and constructions, alienated 2 buildings and constructions not acquiring anything in return.     

During 2008 only the Governor (marzpet) of Shirak gained income in foreign currency. This foreign currency income amounted to 78 AMD, and the amount of the property income constituted 7.620.000 AMD.  During 2008 the highest income was with the Governor (marzpet) of Lori, which amounted to 35.070.600 AMD. His income approximately 17 times is as much as the lowest income (the Governor (marzpet) of Aragatsotn) gained among the governors in 2008, which made 2.074.713 AMD, and 2 times as much as the highest income of the minister second in the list in 2008, which was with Lida Nanyan, Governor (marzpet) of Shirak (16.401.983 AMD including property income). The Governor (marzpet) of Lori is followed by the Governor (marzpet) of Shirak with 16.401.983 AMD of income. 

In 2008, the lowest income was with the Governor (marzpet) of Aragatsotn. In 2008 being the deputy Governor (marzpet) of Aragatsotn he gained income amounted to 2.074.713 AMD. The amount of the income of each of all the rest of the governors does not exceed 3 million AMD. In 2008 the governors of Armenia all together had   71.310.636 AMD of income (of which 7.620.000 property income) and 78 USD in foreign currency. For comparison only it should be noted that jointly the incomes of all governors (marzpets) are 5 times as less as the highest income gained in 2008 among the ministers, i.e. the income of Harutyun Kushkyan, Minister of Health (381.607.396 AMD).    

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