Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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17.08.2021 Parliament Shutting Out the Press Is a Warning Sign

It is the duty of the press to follow what the authorities are doing, how effective they are and to inform the public about it with timely, complete and accurate information. The restrictions applied in the National Assembly (NA) beginning on August 2, 2021, hinder the press from fulfilling its duty to society and significantly weaken access to information.

19.05.2021 Access to Information for the media

FOICA president Ms. Doydoyan delivered a speech at the Stockholm Conference on Media Freedom in the OSCE Region on May 19. 2021.


The general situation in terms of access to public information in Armenia during the pandemic times was a bit chaotic and unorganized, especially in the beginning phase. Armenian Government instituted a state of emergency on March 16. Apparently, the restrictions on freedom of expression and information were ineffective, non-proportional, and unreasonable and contradict public interest under the conditions of the pandemic.

11.10.2019 The public has the right to know who stands behind a media outlet.

"The public has the right to know who stands behind a media outlet. The media should be honest with their audience and publish the names of their beneficial owners"

12.08.2019 Freedom of Information and Government-Media Communication in the Republic of Armenia

The main goal of this research is to examine the role of strategic communication and freedom of information in the Armenian government agencies’ work with the media, to identify the main problems in the area and recommend practical solutions.

13.02.2019 Brief on the Role and Importance of Access to Information Oversight Bodies

In Armenia, the 2003 Law on Freedom of Information allows information applicants to appeal cases where their requests have been refused to the Human Rights Defender. This, then, represents a case of an appeal to a non-specialized body as opposed to a dedicated RTI body. There are a number of ways in which this body is not specifically tailored to the RTI context.

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