Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Complaints for almost everything


“Hot line” service set in the Government of Armenia has registered 4839 calls during June 1, 2009 and September 30, 2009. 1846 calls have been clarified just during the telephone conversation and 295 requests have been sent to correspondent departments where 74 of them were given positive answers. Hot line of the Government on 527000 telephone number has been set to improve the efficiency of citizens’ applications and protest letters and its transparency.

“We receive 50 calls each day,” Alexander Ghazaryan, the head of department on citizens’ reception and discussion of application-complaints of the RA Government’s Staff told, “Suspending the bonuses of cash register machines has increased Hot line calls making it 90 daily.”  

There happened cases when citizen’s complaint wasn’t satisfied, but the answer to their problem was comprehensive. Hot line receives calls on various complaints and topics including family issues and problems demanding deep investigation. Citizens calling on Hot line demand information about the checks of the cash register machines, how and where from they can get bonuses, or they provide information that a definite shop doesn’t provide checks. “All the calls and complaints are summed up and sent to their right address,” A. Ghazaryan stated adding: “For example, we received a call from a citizen that Arabkir customs department doesn’t provide information how the applications to receive bonuses should be filled. We’ve sent the soonest information to State Revenue Committee by the Government. In two days we received back answer claiming that all the inconveniencies in Arabkir department have been abolished. Regarding those checks generally, the officers verify the information immediately and if the call is accurate they fine the trade center.”  

Hot line receives complaints not only from Yerevan and local communities, but from foreign countries as well – Cyprus, Russian Federation, Georgia and etc. Those calls of complaint mainly concern the back travel of their citizens. For example, a call from Cyprus stated that their citizen has been drawn out in a long proceeding related to passport issues. Just within a day the complaint was successfully resolved. A. Ghazaryan says sometimes a complaint raised by citizens via Hot line has not only been resolved but supported. According to the law on providing passport, the citizen should have registration in a definite address, and a citizen who didn’t have any registration was given a passport after the passport department officers supported and registered the citizen somewhere. The number of complaints on illegal constructions is high enough, which contributed to the suspending of the constructions. And evidence to it is suspending of an illegal garage construction in 22 Shopron, Nor Norq 6th estate on 16.07.09. The information was soon sent to the Municipality of Yerevan which suspended the illegal construction just in the initiating stage. A. Ghazaryan said people having fragile mental and psychological conditions make a lot of complaints on being chased by some ghosts or people. Naturally, such calls are not processed. Sometimes it happens that people call and began crying and abusing. 

4-year-old Hot line of the Government managed to register ridiculous cases also. Once a man called and complaint that his wife was cold with him during the night. And when the call was repeated back to find out who was joking, the man affirmed his complaint. Another funny case was registered when the former head of rural community complaint against the on-going chief on behalf of a neighbor. “We have much to do, sometimes it’s annoying and boring, but, nevertheless, we enjoy it as it’s functional and valuable. We receive calls of appreciation also,” Alexander Ghazaryan declared. The head of the department encouraged to call Hot line service if “your rights defended by law are violated.”            

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