Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Strategic litigation

Court cases

27. FOICA and “Aravot” daily vs. Lori Marz Governor


Reporter of “Aravot” daily Aram Zaqaryan, who is responsible for covering information from Armenian communities and Diaspora, sent a request on 19.08.2009 to the governor of Lori Aram Kocharyan via e-mail address, asking to provide the following information:
“Dear Mr. Kocharyan, it’s common knowledge that since 2005 Armenian communities are granted financial support by RA state budget excluding community’s expenses and other grants from budget. In 2005, 2006, 2007 each community was granted 10 million AMD, and 2008 and 2009 – 20 million. Be so kind, to answer the questions:
1. What purpose did they serve each year?
2. Provide, please, the information in details – how many decisions have been made each year? How much was spent by each decision?”

The request wasn’t answered. The reporter applied to FOICA asking to support him to recover his violated right of access to information through a court procedure. On 01.12.09 FOICA and “Aravot” daily jointly applied to administrative court of Armenia to recognize Lori governor’s inactions illegal, and to oblige the official to provide information and to subject to an administrative fine.

On May 25, 2010, the RA Administrative Court published its decision over the case FOICA and “Aravot” daily vs. Lori Marz Governor. The Court decided to refuse the claim considering that  the actions of Lori Marz Governor cоuld not be considered incompetent.

Despite the fact that the claim was rejected, the information was provided:  a day before the publication of the Court’s decision Lori Marz Governor provided to “Aravot” daily the whole requested information.

In addition, we'd like to note that FOICA and "Aravot" daily appealed the decision of the Administrative Court of Armenia in the Court of Cassation.

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