Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.

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Informed Armenia project

This project seeks to ensure that journalists and civil society organisations produce and share easy-to-understand information, news articles and contributes to a real debate about budget allocations and spending in Armenia. Duration: 18/05/2018 - 18/12/2019 (19 months), Implementing Partners: Freedom of Information Center of Armenia (FOICA), Maastricht-based European Journalism Center.

Sub-Grant Project # 5


Name of the sub-grantee: Partnership and Teaching NGO

Name of the sub-grant project: Youth for their future

Brief Description: Problem: Community participation in the Goris community is weak, and there is no youth policy in the community.
The goal of the project: to promote the participation of young people in public life in Goris and to increase public influence by monitoring the community budget, promoting and developing youth policy.

The project will monitor the public budget in Goris community and determine how young people participate in the design, implementation and evaluation of policies. In order to make the process more transparent and objective, as a result of the project the youth policy will be developed and will be introduced to the community to support future activities.

Expected results of the project:
Result 1 - Monitoring of the activities of local government is conducted, which includes the community budget, the five-year development plan and the local government work plan (2019).
Result 2 - The Youth Policy of Goris Enlarged Community is developed and approved by the community council. The youth policy projects are included in the five-year community development plan as a separate attachment.
Youth policy will ensure the sustainability of community initiatives. Programs that contribute to the solution of youth problems will be implemented in the community.

Actions in Brief: The monitoring of Goris community’s 2018 annual budget will be implemented. As monitoring methods will be used focus-group discussions with target groups and community budget’s documentations analysis.
A single forum will be organized in Goris, during which the monitoring report will be presented to the youth of the community and interested parties. During the forum, the youth will present their proposals and suggestions for the development of the community’s youth policy. 

The project expert will draw up The Youth Policy of Goris Enlarged Community for 2019-2022 and "Action Plan 2019-2022" attached to the recommendations of the Forum, which, after discussions with the stakeholders, will be submitted to the community council for approval. 

Here is the video about the project.

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